Taking a break has become an alien activity for the people of Mumbai. Life is cenetered around a monotonous and never ending cycle of chores that leaves one with very little time to spend with ourselves. Life certainly is not a cake walk but yet things look very easy to achieve and acquire here. Probably that is the because of the 'never say never' attitude that people. Love, hate, betrayal, complassion, jealousy or any other emotion can be experienced in the span of a single day.

Our day starts with abusing the newspaper vendor for ringing the door bell too loud to abusing the errant kids in the building who make your life hell in the evening when all you want is a space with pin drop silence. Hurling abuses and walking ahead is the mantra that all of us seem to have understood very well. We have become workoholic sparrows, home to work and work to home. Life, though doesn't really look complicated but nonetheless it sometimes becomes like a living hell.
One has to fight for everything, right from a window seat to getting a passport made. No wonder we talk about Mumbai's fighting spirit, ( pun intended). I am not trying to demean the place I call my home but just reminding you of the changing times. I totally agree that I have bever seen a city as vibrant and colourful as Mumbai, yet there are time when I long to get away, without a doubt I long to get back as soon as possible. This city is like a sweet bitter truth. One cannot ignore the goodness of it but at the same time one cannot move away from adversities.
“A wretched soul bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much, or more, we should ourselves complain.”
William Shakespeare
What i am trying to say is this is better than that but that sometimes doesnt look good infact that looks very nice, yet this should be left alone and that she be given a chance, this has come a long way though and that seems to be still there....
its not the city its u....;-)
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