Its been a long time since I last did something that made me happy. Guess life has become very hectic and I have lost count of the few happy moments I have spent during the past few months. The last time I was satisfied with my existence was when me and my friends spent some time with a couple of kids on the road.
This happened during one of our casual walks towards Marine drive. The three of us have the habit of hanging around after college hours, because we detest leaving each other and going home. Even if one of us is missing, the day seems so incomplete. Gosh, life would have been so scary without you guys!! MUUAAH!!. Yeah coming back to that day's escapade. The three of us spotted four kids of different sizes sitting on a pavement. They were untidy but cheerful. One look at them and the three of us knew what we wanted to do next. After talking to them for some time we realized that they were waiting for someone to feed them a few morsels of that blessed grain. They were hungry.
We bought them some Mishti Doi ( thats what they preferred, Talk about being choosy). And enquired about their parents. A small boy pointed towards a lady sitting under a tree with bunch of red, white and pink roses. I guess she was his mother. I went ahead and spoke to her, to my surpirse she handed me a red rose and my day was made. I seldom forget such gestures by unknown strangers who sometimes appear to be angels in disguise. There are times when your own boyfriend or girlfriend, mother or father, brother or sister are ready to just fuck your mind any moment people like her are there to balance it out!!