Have you ever watched someone smoke?
Ever observed the eager fingers flick a match and light up?
The slow, deep breath of restoring nicotine. Drawn in as though inhaling, trying to fill up the whole being with smoke.
Insubstantial. Bearing only vestiges of life. Incipient hope. Reassuring consolation.
A quick look of pained defiance.
And now back to floating in moribund heights of ostensible freedom…
Before I say anything else, I would just like to make it clear that I do not believe that smoking makes people “bad company”. One is not in danger while hanging out with a smoker. Why? Because it’s just isn’t about them!
Smoking is an extremely complex, personal and difficult thing to understand. I still don’t perfectly get it. But I do know enough to make my decision against it. The same goes for drugs and alcohol. I choose not to “indulge” in any of them. Not even try. Not once. And no, that doesn’t make me a dork, just shows how well I know myself. I know very well that even if I just try there’s a really good chance that I’ll be addicted. Many people overestimate themselves and think that it won’t happen. But it does- it’s happened to a friend of min, I’m sure it’s happened to a friend of yours! So what makes you the exception?
The way I see it, the best way to win this battle is to fight before it starts. When the vision is not obscured by towers of smoke, it is easier to look at one’s reflection. And decide…
The worst thing about smoking, to me, is the dependency. The mental hazards are far more debilitating than the physical ones. To know that every day, to get some relief, or to find oneself, one needs that little inflammable wrapped-up object. And quite ironically, smokers are believed to be the most independent and individualistic people.
All in all, it’s not about right or wrong, this issue is a subtle shade of the very same smokey gray. Everyone needs to deal with it in his or her own way. But the important thing is to make sure that we do! And soon…
dude nikita, when are you starting your blog???
this post: i loved every single word of it. i maybe included in one small segment of what you described.. but not completely. and you know that. unapologetic about it, i agree i need some to cuckoo myself!!! lol. an extra dose to heighten the madness. as for smoking, you've read my views.. *smiles*
very well written, honestly.
further enforces my stance on smoking.
thank you for writing this.
hmmm very well written nikita...am glad i asked u to write n am more than happy u agreed! keep writing...:)
a very well crafted ad which was aired some decade and a half back...."WITH CIGARETTE IN MY HAND I FELT LIKE A MAN"
I guess every smoker should watch it. if even one of them leave their habit then the ad-maker's effort would be worth it
well done nikita
u have shown us the problem
in way even shown the solution
what im wondering is that as u said why people who have friends, who are smart enough to knw that "the only way to win this battle is to fight it before it starts", find themselves searching solace in a cigratte..a question that we need to ask ourselves dont you think??
well that was a nice 1 .. y cant some1 ask the govt. to ban selling cigarettes jus like drugs ... atleast a 50% wud b reduced if not 100%...i know a lot of them do drugs even when its banned ....but then if the govt. really wants, it can stop even that.... they will not do it.. they mite give out conditions for smoking... like no public area smoking.... no smoking zone... some stupid one liners written on the cig. packs, anti- cig. ads etc etc but the govt really doesnt ban cigarettes do they??? well they need the revenue from it ... to run this country they need what those cig. companies pay as taxes (well actually its only 1 company ie,ITC not "they")....so pls understand the govt. actually wants ppl to smoke....to fund this country ... hahaha....it mite sound silly but thats the truth ....by the way if u think who's the a****** who's barged in n talking crap .. well i m 1 of the person who had been contributing for this country n now i have stopped cmpltly ;-)... so jus want to say if ppl want to stop smoking they actually can ... its no big deal .. its jus that they dont want to ....i did it anybdy can do it......have a nice day- DD
well, we don't always do things that are best for us, do we? we live without ideals. n throw on top of that the i-don't-give-a-damn attitude...phew...
well done!!!!! ppl like u r a worthy example :)
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