yes, reflection... it was raining and i was by my window with a cuppa coffee.. i could c the birds fly with difficulty, returning with wet feathers back to their nest..i could see kids running around the streets, and i saw a couple holding hands walking down the road...yyyaawwwnnn...again love, mushy stuff and the same old break up demon.yeah thts true..but im yet to decide why do these topics seem to rule our world, why? any guesses? if you guys find out..lemme know.
we strtd with reflection , hmmm i was reflecting about the last two years of my life..oh they have been good in a way but full of experimentations ( i hope u gt d meaning). when i was 10 yrs old, i used to hate being seen wid a guy.. n now im longing for one.... what a great chng.. is this called growin up? mayb yes.. but what i am tryin to say is, why do we always need a company.. life looks so boring without one...n yes its not always to kiss or to hug or to satisfy your urges, its also to share , care and to return to someone after a hard and a tirin day......this certainly brings us to the eternal question....which one's for you? he likes me .. he likes me not.... is it love? or jus a stupid infatutation...saw..wid a simple need so many other problems are related.. i swear life isnt easy and as they say " not a bed of roses either".