first of all on a formal opening, ahhmm ahmmm i would like to thank stuti for making me think about this topic.
so the story begins...... a girl meets a guy, they become friends, they start some innocent flirting sessions, things get a bit serious, the girl likes the guy, the guy likes the girl. he is not ready to ask her out, scared well dunno( cant understand what they think. girl wants the guy to ask her out first, she is waiting waitng and waitng. nothing happens and she thinks of an action plan. she does evry possible thing to get his attention, talks about how she likes the way he styles his hair, talks about he is so sweet to her etc etc. finally, the guy things that this is the right time to pop the question and ........................... curtains down.
evrything changes. till yesterday she wanted him to make the first move and suddenly when he does that, she says no. well this was expected. thats why i called it evry gals dilemma coz its so predictable. can nebody explain me the theory behind this " dilemma phenomenon". waiting for ur comments.