Monday, October 24, 2011

Follow up

There has to be some amount of balance in life. Thus it is unfair to write about backstabbers and ignore the back-watchers. Thankfully, I have been blessed with many. *touches wood*

They yell at me when they should, but hug me the moment they know I need it. They kick me out of my bed on gloomy days and bring me soup and tuck me in on one of those blaah days.

They will call, text, mail or leave an offline message and some times take a flight and land at my doorstep.

They are people I call friends and I am glad I have them watching my back :)

Thank you guys, you know who you all are!

(P.S.- :*) 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My sincere wish for you, rot in hell! You backstabbing little bimbette!

I know you keep a track of my life and my activities through my blog, especially now that I have completely thrown you out.

This ones for you:

Read the title of the post again.

I don't even need to justify why I would wish something like that for you, after what you did to me and my best friend under the pretext of being one of us. You and your rotten little chihuahua-faced homo-boyfriend with a small dick can both go die. [small dick because he could never say things up front and ranted about it elsewhere and secondly because you seem pretty frustrated, get a hint ;)]

See how life turns out for us eh? Last I heard about you was you were begging around for a job/or sleeping around for one, whichever suits you.

I may be a pseudo intellectual but I am definitely not a bitch like you. I have many better accomplishments to boast of, the only thing you seem to be good at is making life miserable for others.
And maybe this pseudo-intellectualness got me where I am..certainly at a better place than you, asswipe! (see am not good at this, don't have a natural talent for insulting people like you do. I, on the other hand had to google some cuss words just so I can use them in this post)

And talking about not having real friends..I have enough who warned me about you and am glad I listened to them.

Really feel sorry for you, your existence is just a waste of space.

Good luck with your shitty life..

Monday, October 17, 2011

Waiting for the cab to come

Too many good souls lost

I had a horrible dream last night. One that involved my macbook and some unidentified liquid. I woke up in a sweat. I hugged my macbook tightly and went back to sleep.

I haven't had a proper mourning after Jobs' death. Its yet to sink it. To make it worse is the pendulum stance media keeps taking. When he died they hailed him as a hero, as a savior of mankind. And a few days into it, he turned into a recluse monster. Oh cmon!

I for one, respect Steve Jobs immensely, and have no problems with the fact that he never did any charity or was hard on his employees. How else do you think he built the empire that he did?

I hope this blog post gives me some kind of closure.

Rest In Peace!

(P.S.: Too many great souls have gone to heaven this year, Amy Winehouse, Steve Jobs, Jagjit Singh, Gautam Rajadhakshya, Mansoon Ali Khan Pataudi.  Not fair!)

Thursday, October 06, 2011

In Paris with you- James Fenton

Just the other day I read this  poem again, may be for the millionth time. And still it charms me the same way it did, the first time I read it.

 In Paris with You
 Don’t talk to me of love.  I’ve had an earful
 And I get tearful when I’ve downed a drink or two.
 I’m one of your talking wounded.
 I’m a hostage. I’m maroonded.
 But I’m in Paris with you.

 Yes, I’m angry at the way I’ve been bamboozled
 And resentful at the mess that I’ve been through.
 I admit I’m on the rebound
 And I don’t care where are we bound.
 I’m in Paris with you.

 Do you mind if we do not go to the Louvre,
 If we say sod off to sodding Notre Dame
 If we skip the champs Elysees
 And remain here in this sleazy
 Old hotel room
 Doing this or that
 To what and whom
 Learning who you are,
 Learning what I am.

 Don’t talk to me of love. Let’s talk of Paris,
 The little bit of Paris in our view.
 There’s that crack across the ceiling
 And the hotel walls are peeling
 And I’m in Paris with you.

 Don’t talk to me of love.  Let’s talk of Paris.
 I’m in Paris with the slightest thing you do.
 I’m in Paris with your eyes, your mouth,
 I’m in Paris with…..all points south.
 Am I embarrassing you?
 I’m in Paris with you.

-- James Fenton