Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Food for thought if not your conscience...

Will cynics ever make good journalists? In a school where every student should be taught about truth, values and ethics are instead made to give in to the system. Instead of teaching them to stand for themselves, the so called educators are making cowards out of these poor pupils. By either threatening them of losing a chance to make a good career or by making futile promises they are trying to gag their mouths.

We are living in such vulnerable times.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Right now

hate loathe being taken for granted. It is settling in quick and I do not like it one bit. Just because I am not obnoxiously upfront doesn’t mean I do not mind, it just means I am being patient. And one should under no condition test it beyond a point. Do not drive me to do things I don’t want to because if I do, I won’t regret them under this condition. I see no wrong in it right now.

I don’t scream or shout. I am not difficult. All I ask for is a little bit of this and that which comes for no money. All it takes is a red heart. A big one.

I am not threatening or warning. I am simply speaking to my blog.