Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Is it you or me?

(warning: This post is going to be too disparate to understand, just like my brain)

At a time when I am supposed to be writing about (German Expressionism- a pretty cool concept btw), I have been sitting and staring at my blog and hers. I compare. I check. I read and I put the jigsaw puzzle together. Is this an obsession or just my way of messing things up for us.

Narcissist that I am, I had two mirrors in my old house, Mum has promised me she will buy me a vintage piece.

I go over it again and again, trying to figure where did I mess up? Why do I feel like an old junk, why do I feel as if I am a mid-stop, a station that comes and passes without anyone realising it existed.

Should I take a shower or wait for you to clear my head? Is losing coupla Kilograms over it really worth the effort? What has beauty got to do with it, my eyes speak so does my tongue.

Should I quote you here? but wait, am I so shallow and dumb that I need your help? oh hell these lines on my laptop screen need to be removed.

We conclude- its not me.

this is where it started.


N said...

losing weight is never worth anything. have some chocolate.

Rohit said...

On other hand.
"German Expressionism" is really an amazing form of art.

Meenakshi said...

@ N...i will

@ Rohit- I hooked on to it...

syncronicity said...


N said...

Hey, no updates!

Meenakshi said...

umm got busy with something...

something coming soon

keep reading

excited to be alive said...

nice blogs..
sent you a friend request on fb..
please accept it !!