Monday, June 30, 2008

Money minter in the pack :)

There are times when I pick a book not so much for the content but for it's colorful coverpage. Hence at the bookstore when I spotted a Violet-orange book which had comething to do with the IIMs , I decided to buy it. Joker in the pack is one such average book. Two bored IIM grads get together and pen down their experience through the eyes of a middle class boy, Shekhar Verma.
The book did manage to hold me till the end, (Yeah, I was looking for reasons to quit thinking about doing an MBA). And I was successful too. As the book proceeds into the life of Shekhar Verma from Delhi, it talks about cricket, bollywood, the effervescent campus life in a shady college in DU. Then comes into picture his girlfriend who makes it to the IIT and he ends up in IIM-Bangalore.
The book slowly tells the tale of his struggles on campus, may it be to survive a hell week planned by his seniors to rag him or managing to score good GPAs all seems to be an extravagant description of a campus life. Thankfully the authors, Ritesh Sharma and Neeraj Pahaljani, did not rant about Shekhar's break up with his girlfriend of three years, otherwise it would have taken away the little charm that the book tries to spell with its youthful approach
As you read the book soon you realize that it has a few elements that any college going kid would relate with.
So if you have a day to spare, do read this one, not so much for the language but just to flashback in your old times.

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