Thursday, September 23, 2010

You are what you read

A very funny thing happened today. I and my roommate were having a very casual conversation. She suddenly looks at my stack of books on the rack and says, "The other day X came to our room and couldn't believe you read all that. She didn't know you were smart enough to read James Joyce." I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes it makes me wonder how many people on this planet are judging me right now? I wear pink does that mean I am a bimbette? I love shopping, so that makes me a spoilt brat? I don't scream out of my lungs to  put forward a point in class, so does that make me dumb? I don't publicize myself so does that mean I am not good enough?

It is very surprising how we have categories for people and how we put them in these categories in spite of not knowing them enough. It amazes me how little we think of each other and so much about ourselves. What makes us gloat or be pompous to the extent of making exhibitions of ourselves. Why do we feel the need to prove a point all the time?

Co-incidentally I was having a conversation with another friend who happened to tell me how I don't feel the need to be out there. Well yes she is right.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you've written this :)
I guess sometimes we don't really mean to judge but it's more out of habit. We've trained ourselves to keep deciding whether things or people are good or not and so on. Then, once in a while we just let everything be and suddenly we find outselves learning and knowing people around us... Rare, but it happens ;)

PRateeQ said...

nicely written....i lurved it!also,the fact is one has to live for oneself...and not for others....d only person who needs to b satisfied and made happy is U....u r ur own god!

Nikesh Rathi said...

Hey ... That was an interesting take.

I think people's tastes can tell a lot about them ... So say, a person reading a book like 1984 and watching a movie like The Shawshank Redemption is probably different from he one reading Agatha Christie and liking Bourne Series !
(infinite permutations & combinations are possible!)