Saturday, February 13, 2010

Virtual Bytes

I was watching the latest episode of Tech Toyz, the single people Valentine’s special, and it suddenly occurred to me how technology has become unstoppable, all encompassing, powerful and dominating. Simply put, in a way, it rules you.
The episode was about Dos’ and Donts of online dating. “How soon should you convert the virtual date into a real one? Should you continue online interactions even after meeting in person? What should be the frequency of your pokes and super pokes?” Now do you get what I am referring to when I say powerful and dominating? If you think about it, it is kinda scary.

Case study 1: Facebook
1) Facebook suggests you say hello to “blaah blaah”. Do I need suggestions from Facebook who I should or I should not stay in touch?
2) “What’s on your mind” it’s such a compelling statement. I remember this conversation, so well that I even made it my entry point into a research assignment- Real VS virtual

J: I didn’t know what to put as my status update, I dint want it to sound stupid.
A: Why don’t you quote someone?
J: No, I want it to be more personal. Something like “I don’t know what to put as my status update. Please help.”
A: wow, that sounds cool

Have you ever seen bad pictures of you and your friends on Facebook? Not often, because this virtual life lets you edit, remove things you wouldn’t want others to see, create a person who is like you but a much better version, with better taste, good experiences and stories to boast about.
You flaunt, you attract more profile views, you create a “YOU” that you always wanted to be.
Case study 2: Buzz
This one’s a new entrant and has many users already. It’s more like Twitter’s close cousin, but less complicated and less intimidating.
It’s a few days old, let’s see how it fares, wouldn’t be too long

So the point I am trying to make here is “where is the real you”?
I’d still like to meet friends over coffee than having online conversations below our favourite picture clicked ages ago. I still would like to give real gifts than virtual ones.
Guess that’s the future of technology, we sit in our cubicles, stuck in real jobs, have many virtual personalities and juggle between them whenever time permits. I wish for more time.. to enjoy who I am, to enjoy who others are and to enjoy the real life.


Nikesh Rathi said...

Just wondering -

In long run, will the "virtual you" be the "real you" while the "real you" fades so much that even you yourself can't recognize it!?


i think we are well on our way to that situation Nik..