Monday, December 17, 2007


Turning nineteen wasnt all that exciting as I had imagined it to be. I though there'd be a pool of beer outside my house, I though I would be able to puff packs and packs of ciggies, I though I would be able to do whatever I wanted, I thought I could race my car on Carter road at night, I though I could get drunk and not come
back home at all. Ahhhh. But nothing of that sort happened. All I did was, get up early morning to receive calls from friends and relatives and spent the entire day doing just that. Yeah, not to forget a quiet lunch with friends and a great dinner with my folks. I dont know why I am blogging about my birthday which happened almost like ages ago, but suddenly today I feel like a grown up. More like those magical lightening kind of realizations shown in sci-fi!
Today I feel a heavy responsibility of a grown up, I feel mature and liable. After an year of becoming an adult, I finally feel like one. There is a sense of urgency to do things as if the world is going to end tomorrow. Claustrophobia coupled with excitment and a lot of other things are turning me upside down or downside up or
something like that, something that I am not able to make enough sense of. I feel tormented, frustrated and harrowed to the extent of running somehwere deep inside
woods. Many times I feel the adrenaline rush of sitting on a huge giant wheel awaiting an unexpected rush, a sudden jerk and then a smooth ride. Life has never been so uncertain, trust me. I am sure I am not going to read this blog entry after posting it because it will remind me of all these emotions that I am trying to keep away from. It will remind me of how unsure my thought flow is at this point that there is no distinct connection between how I started off writing and where I am going to end this. But for a change I am not feeling bound, am not feeling ruled. I am typing words and leaving the rest to make some sense on its own. I know I have failed miserably to channelise my thoughts but I am liking this failure. It is more like doing things in the moment, wow!!!! am finally in the present. After 100-150 odd desperate words, I am in the PRESENT.



bewarseee jackass (true id:GOD.dnt tell any1) said...

hehehe...most cofusing post of urs i guess...didnt understand the head n tail of it...but belated bday wishes to u and yeah all the best for whtvr u r upto...ciao


lol!! trust me there are many more such posts to come!! its just my sad state of mind off late thats driving me to write crap!! thank you for tolerating it nonetheless!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

bewarseee jackass (true id:GOD.dnt tell any1) said...

long time no post...barkha dutt is busy kya???[;)]