Thursday, August 03, 2006

jealousy kills

when i say jealousy kills i dont mean in the real sense but it kills relationships, sometimes even before forming one! we see jealousy between friends, collegues, partners and sometimes between acquaintences also. but have we ever thought why does jealousy arise?
there is one major reason for jealousy and that is "ego". ego alters a persons thinking and sometimes hampers his social well being. in other cases it arises due to infiriority complex and negative self image. people think that if they are unable to handle some work no one else can do that. and lastly in many cases it is due to over confidence. when you are over confident you think that none can be better than you. but this way u underestimate people and are caught in your own web.
hence my only advice is " just be grounded" no matter who you are or what you have achieved. in the long run humility is what matters. never take people for granted. maintain relationships in a healthy way. love people irrespective of what they have done to you. when i say all the above moralistic sentences i would also like to add that, when you do all the things right, spare some time and also think about yourself. be competative but in a nice way. excel, but take along people in this journey. friends i am sure all of you agree with me. waiting for your humble comments.


Deamon's Dealer said...

I beleive that jealousy comes from insecurity. If a person is secured about his future he wont be jelous of other person's wealth..if a someone is secure in his/her relationship he/she wont become jelous when they see their partners talking to someone of opposite sex.
The eutopian concept of keeping oneself grounded really dosent work. what works is the person's beleif in his own ability. And if such a beleif exist then the chances of being jelous is zilch.

Unknown said...

Been Bias is one another reason that sows the seeds of jealousy. a very good example of this can be seen between growing kids of the same age and between twins.

another example of this is at work place. A guy dues to his contacts does the minimal of work and gets the maximum of promotions while it is completely for the hard working guy.

If there arises a need for jealousy among men its only because of been bias